Owls as Pets
Yes, it is completely legal to keep any captive born owl in this country.
Unfortunately, people will often buy owls without a real appreciation of the responsibility they are taking on and as a result many owls die or are released as their “owners” find they no longer can or wish to care for them.
A Barn Owl could live for 20 years, while an European Eagle Owl could live for 50 years. That is one hell of a commitment !!!!
Having been fed in captivity all their lives they are ill-equipped to hunt successfully in the wild. Those of us who run sanctuaries are left to pick up the pieces.
The bottom line is that owls are not suitable as pets. They are beautiful, majestic and awe-inspiring and should be in the wild and not breed in the pet industry to become pawns in a sordid money-making business.
While the charity continues to educate the general public on this issue, we are also pushing for a change in the law, making it illegal to keep an owl as a pet.